" I recognize my other self and
in the waning of that self I grow and glow "
Reconstruction and Distribution
Gemini Editorial
May 23,
2009 and
May 12, 2010

At Gemini, the Festival of Christ is also the Festival of The Great Invocation. We need to empower our goodwill daily, and we have the Great Invocation to help us with this goal. This Gemini Festival of Christ is the Festival of the Goodwill. Since 1952 we celebrate the World Invocation Day during this time, to make the world aware of the powerful energy of wisdom contained in the Great Invocation, with which we share our Goodwill with the whole of Humanity
You found the graphic of the Great Invocation illustrating this editorial. Also in the Meditation and Events pages you will find the link registration to the world-wide project that invites you to pronounce the Great Invocation in any 15 minutes of your choice that day. You are also invited in the Events page to the Aquarian Age Community and the Lucis Trust special events for the Great Invocation day. And you can also visit the Great Invocation page and download or print The Great Invocation graphic.
The most important part of this second Festival of Christ, being Easter the first, is to bring Buddha's energy of Enlightened Wisdom to be distributed with the energy of Love to all the World servers and the whole of Humanity. It is in during this distribution of energy in Gemini, when the human goodwill learns to express the will of God.
The Goodwill is brought to Earth via the Seven rays: Will to Reconstruct (1st), will to Love (2nd), will to intelligent action (3rd), will to better human relations (4th), will to know (5th), will to persist in ideal (6th), and will to organize (7th). The Goodwill is necessary to reconstruct what separateness destroys and to distribute the energy of Love and Light.
For example, the Goodwill was what was needed to reconstruct justice and Peace in Rwanda and will be need it in Somalia and Sri Lanka, after bloody destructions. Goodwill is needed to Free Burma of the killings, imprisonments and destruction of its people by the Junta. Goodwill is needed to reconstruct Haiti from catastrophe and mismanaging. Goodwill is needed to support Obama in his Reconstruction of the US.

Coming of Christ
Gemini is a sign of the pair of opposites. It invites us to think about overcoming duality. It also teaches about the spiral nature of cycles, and about synthesis.
Opposites are necessary for development and growth. They create motion and dynamics. Without the bad we would not appreciate the good, without war we wouldn't treasure peace, without the destruction of hate we wouldn't welcome the construction of love. And also, without hunger the food wouldn't taste its best.
We do not need to look for the bad, the war, the destruction or hunger, because as long as humanity is separative, we are going to deal with the forces of destruction. Those are the forces that humanity has to overcome in the process of its evolution, which goes in spiral cycles to endure the synthesis of spirituality.
Cycles may seem repetitions of the same processes, but these repetitions have significant differences, they accumulate synergy and they move in spirals to higher planes. War is the cycle of destruction. It could be between individuals, ethnic groups or nations, but destroying with sticks and stones, or later with arrows and swords, or recently with missiles and precision bombs makes wars different. It shows how the cycle of war has developed weapons each time more destructive.
The cycles of Change leading to Peace are opposed to the cycles of war. War is separateness and destruction. Peace is change, development and unity. Peace has also grown in spiral. Today Confession, Forgiveness and Reconciliation are advanced developments of the cycle of Peace. Peace is also now a global aspiration of humanity, expressed by the International Day of Peace. Hopefully with time this aspiration will create a better world, it will be another achievement of the synthesis of humanity with its soul.

International Day of Peace: Friday, 17 September, 2010
These pairs of opposites, and cycles are relevant to the sign of Gemini! Also, on a plane of personal relationships, separateness is also the force that feeds ambitions, arrogance, superficiality, glamour, and illusion. Opposed to it is Love that is giving, unconditional, unselective and not a commodity. Love is a spiritual quality to be shared, and nourished. We can all grow in it. Love is very simple, yet extremely hard to reach by human personality. It is the quality of the soul that is most difficult for humans to achieve, enjoy and live in.
Love has the practicality of healing and reconstructing. Only love can put together the pieces left by the destruction of separation. That's the Love that Christ taught us. Christ showed us the Loving reconstruction of humanity. Love helps to reconstruct what was destroyed by separateness, hate, ambitions, greed, wars.
We have to focus on making each one of us the model of that humanity that reaches to the Hierarchy, and in which the Hierarchy materializes. The esoteric existence of Christ is in us: The unity of Humanity and its Soul.
Let's remember now the meaning of the keywords for this Festival. Only from the plane of our soul we can recognize our personality and in the waning of that personality-self our soul grows and glows. Gemini is an air sign of the opposites like inhalation and exhalation, a spiral cycle of life.
This Festival of Christ invites to meditate on the pairs of opposites, the spiral cycles, Goodwill, the Great Invocation, reconstruction, and distribution. So let us meditate and distribute the energies of Light and Love.
With Blessings of Love,
