"I am that and that am I"
Considerations to examine ourselves
July 21, 2009
and July 20, 2010

The sun irradiates light and heat as we irradiate Soul and personality. "I am that and that am I". Those light and heat originate in fire. It's the fire of the personality that emanates the soul in an act of purification. The heat of the form generates the light of the spirit. It is in that burning in which the visibility of the form is exhausted while invisibly expands the consciousness of the soul. Each one of us is at one point on this process.
Light is also Wisdom and Love, and it is now when we have to see how our Wisdom and our Love are progressing, how is the effect of the burning benefiting our Soul. It is a moment of introspection, of seeing how far or close we are to Life, the eternity of the spirit. It is a time to see where in the path we are.
The sun is very important in Leo, because of the physical and spiritual light that symbolizes. It is with the light of the sun that we can see what we are now. But most importantly how richer is our wisdom and our love. Through the sun you can see 'you are that and that are you.' In Leo we have the opportunity to visit our self in all its dimensions.
"The symbolic triplicity - the physical sun, the Heart of the Sun and the Spiritual Sun, are the planes of consciousness we contact as we become more inclusive. The reference is to the deeper levels of reality."
It is not a matter of identity, because identity is a constant and tied to the personality. It is an issue of our personality changes and of our accomplishments in Wisdom and Love. We are now what we had made of ourselves.

Above, Slobodan Zivanovic, Serbian naive
artist: Temple for the Soul.
One of the basic mantras in the initiation of meditation is the recognition of oneself as a Soul: "I am the Soul, I am the Light Divine, I am Love, I am Will, and I am Fixed Design". In the Labours of Hercules there two correlated phrases that I want to bring together: "The Presiding One looked forth upon the sons of men, who are the Sons of God.". "The Sons of God, who are the sons of men, march on."
The visit to our self, from the personality to the spiritual, is made not just from the point of view of the mind, but mainly from the point of view of the heart, from the point of view of the soul. It is the advancement of our Wisdom and Love what reaches our spirituality.
Love is very misunderstood in our personalities; we many times overlook its power and its reach. "Let love stream forth into the hearts of men." says the Great Invocation, and Love is the great teaching of Christ.
The visit to our personality most be made in both levels as individuals and as collective.
We overlook the power and reach of Love, because we overlook the personal and the collective also. We tend to forget that personality is an individual trait, but also a collective trait. Fashion is an example of a collective personality trait. In the same way there is the love and wisdom of and individual and the Love and Wisdom of the World Servers. The love of the individual and the Love of the collective play an important role in the elevation of our consciousness.
I used the key words in a personal level, because the personal is different, but not independent of the collective, the individual, each person, is different, but not independent from humanity. Loving someone is personal and different, but not independent from loving the collective and Humanity. And humanity is not independent from the divine.
We as humans do not have any other point to start our path to the divine that one self, and that is why I make the keywords present in that oneself of each one of us. Love starts very deep in ourselves, irradiates to our significant ones, the collective and humanity, and in each level is inclusive, forward and backwards.
Love is an expression of the Soul, is from our hearts. Intuition is a superior plane of our mind. What a beautiful combination of Intuition and Love is the Soul.
It is important to thrive to see our personality from the plane of the soul. Seeing our personality from the plane of personality does not do any good. That is to maintain it within the world of the personality itself.
Esoteric astrology is a frame of reference to understand part of what we are in the personality level.
When in Leo we examine ourselves we think that only and exclusively astrology give us the clues of who we are and where we are at. Although it is truth in esoteric astrology, not all the tools required to examine ourselves are there. The science of the spirit has been addressed also from genetics, chemistry and physics, besides geometry and mathematics. Still Intuition and Love guides all of them.
Here fits the difference between the traditional or exoteric astrology that deals with the personality, asking people few questions they don't notice and then telling them about their relationships, their future, their money, etc. and they charge you a lot for it, because their business is fortune players, the pleasing and the pampering of the ambitions and weaknesses of your personality. Esoteric astrology is the opposite of that; it deals with the energies of the soul. It is the understanding of our path to divinity what the connection between esoteric astrology and meditation make sense. "Esoteric astrology is the astrology of the soul. The delineation of a natal chart from the soul-centred perspective focuses on the purpose of the soul, why we are here, where we have come from, and where we are heading."
It is important to note that astrology, obviously esoteric astrology, is a basic knowledge to understand the energies of the universe from which we are part of. Studying the Tibetan through Alice Bailey is a way to understand the astrological structure of this powerful knowledge of where we stand, besides our own will. Esoteric Astrology is about the soul. It is the Soul the center of our attention. Astrology is like a magnifier to understand the energies of the Soul. It is the Soul not the magnifier what it is our goal. The Soul is beyond any astrological means.
That is why two greatest Soul maestros Buddah and Christ brought to us the spirituality of Wisdom and Love to enrich with purpose the will of people. To inspire humanity on the path to the Hierarchy. It would be absurd that someone invalidate Buddha and Christ for ignoring astrology in their teachings. There are more disciples of Wisdom and Love than smart astrologers in the world, because the spiritual message is universal, because perfecting yourself to reach the Hierarchy comes from your good will and purpose, your wisdom and your love, and those are the requirements, otherwise spirituality couldn't be for all humanity ever, but only for the eccentricity of exquisite astrologers. "Let the plan of Love and Light work out" says the Great Invocation.
In this examination of ourselves we cannot forget our own will, everything we do or don't is in our will. Someone can tell you the dangers of selfishness, it does nothing to you, if your will is selfish. Advice is useless if there is no will to listen. The little will of men go to the individual as well as it goes to the collective too. Some collective in Honduras think that to avoid Chávez it is valid to break the law. In the same country other collective think that to avoid Chávez the Law most be respected and prevail, because those are the rules that guarantee the rights to all. The Great Invocation reminds us that is Purpose what guides the will.
In Leo we examine what are the changes happening to our personality where we stand on our personality, how is our closeness to our Wisdom and to our Love. There are teachings from these examinations and there are new steps we will give from them in our path to divinity.
The considerations on this editorial intend to help the enrichment of your examination.
Love, Wisdom, Peace and Blessings to all of you.
