- Please participate in the New York Full Moon Meditation meeting in Pisces. Monday March 9th promptly 7:00 PM. Place accorded in meeting. We will read from Esoteric Astrology, pages 115-134.
- Please attend the Full Moon Meditation in Pisces sponsored by Lucis Trust at the Williams Club, 24 East 39th Street (between Madison & Park) on Tuesday March 10th, promptly at 7:00 PM. You are invited to watch videos (
) and listen to specials ( ) of the Inner Sight Radio Programs.
- Please be part of the Rosendale World Service Meditation Group meeting for the full moon in Pisces meditation at Lifebridge Sanctuary, 333 Mountain Road , Rosendale, NY, on Tuesday March 10th 7:00PM.
- Please be present at the Seven Rays Institute Full Moon Meditation in Pisces meeting on Tuesday March 10th 6:30 PM at 128 Manhattan Ave. Jersey City, New Jersey. Info: Tel: 201-798-7777
Worldwide Meditation:
- Please join the Divine Identification Meditation Full Moon Global Meditation in Aries on Thursday April 9th 10:56 AM. Alignment begins Thursday March 26, 2009 and continues through Friday April 24th, 2009.