" I am the Mother and the Child, I God. I matter am. "
There is not better matter, just matter
Virgo, Thoughts Sharing
August 21, 2010
(Draft in progress)

Virgin does not mean virginity. Virgin is a quality of the Soul, the son of the Mind. The quality of being in the matter. To be born in the matter without being matter. The matter wouldn't exist without the Spirit. It's the Spirit deep in the Soul the one which is untouchable, invisible and constitutes the existence of all we can acknowledge, at the pace of our growth and development.
God is in all matter, therefore no matter is better than other. The variety of matter just shows the immense power of existence of the Spirit.
Virgo is the energy necessary to comprehend what is real not a mystery. Christ is born from Mary, because the spirit creates and habits the matter, not union of matter is needed to give birth to the spirit in each one of us. Every virgin, every human, can give birth to the Spirit inhabiting in all of us.

The biological mission of defining the zygote or leading gestation is giving to females. But, every single human has the mission to define the connection with its Soul and to gestate and nurture its Soul to the level of the Spirit. Is that female mission what every human has to ask of himself if it already put to function. Virgo is not only the feminine, but the esoteric concept of Conception. The Conception of our Spirituality.
Therefore, patient and devoted Service and Love guide us to nurture that Conception to its full realization.

Our daily work is a path to accomplish our spirituality.
Hunger in the world is an example. We think of hunger as something that only happens to needed people who don't know any better than poverty in far away countries. But, every morning you wake up hungry and want breakfast. Or during the day or at night need something to eat and drink. Hanger happens everywhere. What is odd is that some people have something to eat and others not. Why is that? Besides the ego power ambitions of some to have it all regardless of what could be left to others, we also have a lack of communication to know those people and share something with them, because waiting to the unknown time to find a solution to their poverty could be too late. We are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for others. Otherwise world servers wouldn't exist and one humanity wouldn't be possible.

It's better not to look so you don't suffer, but who guide their lives with those thoughts are no different of horses with blinders. What they don't see is their own trap. They only want to see what they want. Someone must see the whole picture and guide them.
Love, Wisdom, Peace and Blessings to all of you.
