The key note of Aquarius is “ Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men .” Aquarius is on the Fixed Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Leo . Aquarius is an air sign . Rays 2 (Love-Wisdom) and 7 (Order and Ceremonial Magic) pour forth to Earth through the rulers of this sign.

Please meditate on this :

1. Aquarius represents service. In this sign you learn to identify with the needs of a group of people - be it family, country, or work. Aquarius uses the 2 nd ray energy of Love-Wisdom to teach you how to serve. Now you can plan what you are going to do for yourself, your family, your group, the world. You can decide now whom to serve.

2. Aquarius - the brightest sign in the sky right now. We are now transiting into the age of Aquarius, which will last for the next 2 thousand years. Time to serve has come. Service brings good opportunities to you as well: "Serve - and all will be given to you,” says the Bible. Also, "There is nothing better in life than to give your life for your friend."

3. Why don't we want to serve? Because we will have to make sacrifices, and also service to people is real work.

4. The Seventh Ray of Life comes into manifestation in the Age of Aquarius. It brings intelligent organization of every aspect of our private and public life. Good organization of life is magic unknown before. The Age of Aquarius will bring Organization and Ceremonial Magic to our planet.

5. The seventh ray is now coming into manifestation through Aquarius. It relates spirit and matter on a physical plane, producing gradually a functioning whole .