Shakyamuni Buddha's Enlightment
Just before dawn on December 8th , with the stars still shining in the sky, Shakyamuni Buddha was enlighten ed under the Bodhi Tree. At that moment, all lives on earth, sentient and insentient, were seen brilliantly shining through the eyes of Shakyamuni. He recognized the buddha-nature within each and all of those lives and saw that all were manifestations of the Eternal Life of Universe (the Dharma). We sincerely hope that this program will become an opportunity for the distinguished participants to recognize this intrinsic nature within themselves, and to approach the values of their individual lives with fresh and renewed minds.
Dr. Gene Reeves
Dr. Reeves, the editor of A Buddhist Kaleidoscope: Essays on the Lotus Sutra, has been doing research and lecturing on the Lotus Sutra throughout the world for over a quarter century. He was a Visiting Professor, the University of Peking, Beijing earlier this year
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