Aries -The Festival of Light
Meditation Meetings

- Please attend the Full Moon Meditation in Aries sponsored by Lucis Trust at the Williams Club, 24 East 39th Street (between Madison & Park) on Monday March 29th, promptly at 7:00 PM. You are invited to watch videos (
) and listen to specials ( ) of the Inner Sight Radio Programs.
- Please be part of the Rosendale World Service Meditation Group meeting for the full moon in Aries meditation at Lifebridge Sanctuary, 333 Mountain Road , Rosendale, NY, on Monday March 29th 7:00PM.
- Please be present at the Seven Rays Institute Full Moon Meditation in Aries meeting on Monday March 29th 6:30 PM at 128 Manhattan Ave. Jersey City, New Jersey. Info: Tel: 201-798-7777
Worldwide Meditation:
- Please join the Skype Full moon Meditation Group. Each month, on the first day of the five-day full moon cycle, this month, announced today December 1st, a meditation will be held later on at 4PM on Skype—the internet phone system. Please dial paul.birkholm. An audio file of the meeting will be available for anyone wishing to receive it.
- Please join the Divine Identification Meditation Full Moon Global Meditation in Aries on Monday March 229th 10:27 PM. Alignment begins Sunday March 15th, 2009 and continues through Tuesday April 14th, 2009.