
- Please attend the Full Moon Meditation in Cancer sponsored by Lucis Trust at, 22 East 30th Street (between Fith & Madison) on Friday June 25th, promptly at 7:00 PM. You are invited also to
watch videos (
) and listen to specials ( ) of the Inner Sight Radio Programs (Please, see Events page).
- Please be part of the Rosendale World Service Meditation Group meeting for the full moon in Cancer meditation at Lifebridge Sanctuary, 333 Mountain Road , Rosendale, NY, on Friday June 25th 7:00 PM.
Worldwide Meditation:
- Please join the Divine Identification Meditation Full Moon Global Meditation in Cancer on Saturday June 26th 7:31 AM. Alignment begins Saturday June 112th, 2010 and continues through Saturday July 10th, 2010.
Phone Meditation:
- Please particpate in the Skype Full and New Moon Meditation Group. The meditation will be held on Skype—the internet phone system. Please contact knewburn87@gmail.com for details.