build a lighted house
and therein dwell."
The Templo for the Soul
June 22, 2009
and June 20,

The Tibetan said in A Treatise on White Magic: "Everything
depends upon the ability to grasp the inner meaning of all
events." And here in Cancer the challenge is not minor.
With every new incarnation our souls get new bodies - their new houses. Through these bodies the development of this conscience is possible. The soul is the link between the form and the spirit. The soul aids our life experiences towards the eternal life. Ultimately, our matter becomes liberated and connected with the spirit - the Father aspect.
Esoterically the soul builds this house, lighted by the soul dwelling within. The body is the personality. The independent soul infuses in the body or the personality to provide the light for the awareness of the body in reaching its higher conscience. The body, or personality, is very dependent. The Crab teaches us the illusion of independence. The real independence only exists on the level of the soul.
In Cancer the mass conscience is born, from it a person takes steps to achieve individual consciousness. The mass consciousness in Cancer can be understood by achieving our individual consciousness first. Our life's experience is unseen, but present. The world experience is our cultural heritage, belonging to an ethnic group or a nation. Within this world consciousness, the New Group of World Servers represents group consciousness.
Crab that carries its house on its back is independent. However
it becomes interdependent when communicates or moves to reach
water, food and a secure place. Without its interdependence
the independent crab would die. Cancer keywords provide us
with the tools of bringing out our individuality, and coming
in touch with our soul. Individual and group consciousness
are opposite. However, the individual consciousness is required
for the group conscious to develop. Thus independence is required
for interdependence. Interdependence is the awareness that
every single existence deals with the rest of existences,
it relates to it, and that way it depends on and affects the

Above, Slobodan Zivanovic, Serbian naive
artist: Temple for the Soul.
the United States and European Union each state contributes
to the group with its own individuality. This individuality
establishes in turn their inter-dependence, which affects
the groups and the world. The United Nations deals with independence
of and interdependence between the nations of the world. This
makes the United Nations the model of the Right Human Relations.
are other examples, showing how the concepts of independence
and interdependence work in the world: Not coincidentally
was on July 4 that the independence of United States and the
interdependence developed between its states. This is an example
of successful soul expression in the form of the nation.
Many nations have not arrived at the point of individualization yet, and lack respect for human rights in their countries. This impairs their relationships with the world. Iran does not allow for individual independence of its citizens, because of its religious and political concepts, and therefore it has not accomplished its internal interdependence. North Korea and Burma suppress the independence of its citizens and parties, and reject any interdependence.
In Afghanistan their concept of independence is based on violence, and refuses any interdependence. Pakistan is also torn by internal conflict, after it achieved its independence from India. Israel claims its independence, but denies the one of Palestinians. The interdependence in Israel does not exist, as Israel excludes the local Arabs and shrinks Palestinians' territory and freedoms cyclically.
personality is materialistic, and connects to the world of
greed, power struggle, gratification, and self-centeredness.
Many people believe nowadays that material ownership is key
to achieving spirituality. By this logic, the dispossessed
would have no time for their inner selves, because they are
absorbed in their survival. This tale is not completely true.
We know that a modest and frugal Tibetan monk can walk the
world in his modest sandals, and his lack of a private jet
or of a Bugatti Veyron wouldn't diminish his learning and
very hard for a personality to accept a detachment from the
material world. To have what we really need is never enough,
we often need more and more. Every satisfaction of a need
ties us to new ones, and the material world is always ready
to satisfy all of them. All kind of glamors are waiting to
satisfy our selfishness. Also, our personality, our form,
is attached to collective emotions and fears. Our lower nature
has a strong grip on us.
How can we change our attitudes?
Through meditation we align our inner self with the light and the energy of the soul. And this energy helps develop our personality, transforming our lower nature into the vehicle and temple of our soul. As we go through suffering coming from our selfishness incarnation after incarnation, we learn to embrace the divine plan, opening our mind to the wisdom of our soul, and nurturing love in our hearts. The rewards are eternal. We may want to remember - our body is not our house, it is the house of our soul. The teachings of Cancer are about the inherent light within the form.
prepare for the full moon in Cancer meditation:
On the very same day of the full moon in Cancer, June 26th, we have the year's first partial moon eclipse. Prior to this full moon we had the Summer Solstice on Monday June 21st. The Summer Solstice time is considered to be the highest point of sun light on our planet. This light is a fest of blooming and maturity in nature. The sun also gives a feeling of Light and Warmth and is a symbol of the Light Supreme.
ponder the glamors of the Rays. Alice Bailey's book "Glamour
- A world Problem," pp 120-123, highlights them.
the "Sign Info" page I invite to read Brad Berg's concise
Basics and Thoughts on Cancer. Also, there are references
to book "The Labors of Hercules," that elaborates on the psychological
meaning of the sign, and its astrological significance.
"Events" page highlights the Earth Stewardship as
Externalization of the Hierarchy.
May this Cancer sign time bring you inspiration from your soul.
Love, Light, Peace and Blessings,
