The Keywords for Libra:
" I choose the way that leads
between the two great lines of force. "
"Libra can also be spoken of in terms of the meditation process as taught both in East and West. It can, therefore, be regarded as the "interlude between two activities," which is the explanation given to that stage in meditation which we call contemplation. In the five stages of meditation (as usually taught) you have the following:
Concentration, meditation, contemplation, illumination and inspiration.
These five stages are paralleled in the five strictly human signs of the zodiac:
1. Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.
2. Virgo—Meditation—Soul life, as sensed in man, the gestation period. The stage of the hidden Christ. Intelligent man. Personality, as hiding the Christ life.
3. Libra—Contemplation—Life of soul and form is balanced. Neither dominates. Equilibrium. An interlude wherein the soul organises itself for battle and the personality waits. This is the probationary path. Duality known.
4. Scorpio—Illumination—The soul triumphs. Experience in Taurus consummated. Astral glamour dissipated. [Page 229] Soul light pours in. The Path of Discipleship. The Disciple.
5. Sagittarius—Inspiration—Preparation for initiation. Soul inspires personality life. Soul expresses itself through personality. The Initiate." By Alice Bailey.

Spiritual Importance of Meditation On the Full Moon
The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Hierarchy. Each month the inflowing energies carry the specific qualities of the constellation influencing the particular month; these energies playing sequentially upon humanity, establish the "divine attributes" in the consciousness of humanity.
Articles on Full Moon Meditation:
by Richard Bryant-Jefferies
by Mary Bailey
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Why Meditate?
- To learn to relax: physically, emotionally and mentally
- To enjoy better health
- To become calmer and stronger and more able to cope with stress
- To become more focused and effective in daily life
- To express one's higher qualities
- To become aware of the Inner Self and open to spiritual energies
- To be of service
"The technique of meditation governs all expansions of consciousness... By means of meditation we find freedom from the delusion of the senses and their vibratory lurE; and find our own positive centre of energy and become consciously able to use it; becoming therefore aware of the real Self... and aware of essential unity." The Tibetan
On Group Meditation:
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Outline of Meditation by Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom
Begin by focusing on the breath. This is maintained throughout the meditation. Then visualize the following: Light entering the physical/etheric body, dissolving all tension and filling it with light.
Light entering the emotional body dissolving all trauma and filling it with light.
Light entering the mental body unravelling old thought forms and filling it with light.
See yourself as a sphere of light.
A ball of light above the head which you focus on as the soul.
A ball of light above the group which you focus on as the group soul.
A ball of light above the group which you focus on as the Spiritual Hierarchy.
A ball of light above the Hierarchy which you focus on as the Will of God or Shamballa.
Return to the Hierarchy and see the Christ as the source of Love at the centre.
Return to the group soul and meditate upon the mantra of the current Sun sign.
Return to the soul and see the light of the soul descending through the charkas and anchoring at the centre of the Earth.
See the light rise to the heart centre, form a ball of pink light of loving kindness, and then move out to link all the hearts in the group in this light.
See the Earth at the centre of the circle and see each person or aspect of Earth life that appears in your mind to be touched by loving kindness.
Return the light of your heart and see yourself infused by loving kindness.
Focused as the soul, say the Great Invocation.
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Suggestions for individual and group meditation by Path of Light:
1. Sit quietly with your mind receptive, and open to receive spiritual energies. Do all that you can to meditate at exactly the time of the full moon. Afterward, continue in stillness for perhaps 20 minutes.
2. Make notations on thoughts or ideas that come to you. These can appear as knowledge, wisdom, understanding, or inspiration. Even if you think nothing happened, you may find that in a few days new ideas will appear to you. Assume that some kind of impression has been received in your higher mind and it is circling overhead waiting for a place to land.
3. Develop the ability to listen within as you go about your daily schedule. This is a similar process to remembering an important dream. The frequencies of dream realities are different than the rational concrete mind. This transference process requires stillness and patience, along with an optimistic attitude. Once your conscious brain can align with the higher mind and soul, the stream of light can reach you as words and picture symbols.
4. Following each spiritual impact, look for ways to create a better life, to encourage the essence or soul life of yourself and of those you can reach. Look for ways to free up time by identifying the essentials (and non-essentials) in your life. These ideas can be exceptionally simple, something that can be begun without a great fanfare of money or time or staff. Usually, we see practical possibilities that were invisible before, suddenly become obvious.
5. The entire zodiac can be understood from the angle of light. This light is the inner light of the soul. Its unfolding radiance is the manifestation of our divine nature. A study of the 12 different lights for each of the constellations of the zodiac reveals the symbolic story of the growth of the light body, within the Soul of Humanity and within each of us. This gradually reveals the purpose of God.
6. These group meditations are to increase the channel of reception for the energies of light and love. We are using our minds as a channel to receive the energies of light, love, and power.
7. The moment of the full moon each month offers the greatest opportunity for meditation especially in groups focused on cooperating with the divine Plan or Intention for our world.p
The rhythmic nature of the soul's meditation is like the ebb and flow in all nature. In the tides of the ocean we have a clear picture of an eternal law... and the cyclic response to soul impulses lies back of a morning meditation, a noon re-alignment, and an evening review. (Adapted from notes by A. A. Bailey)
The energies that are uniquely available at the full moon - when rightly understood, received and transmitted in meditation - are helpful for humanity to move towards its spiritual goal as a center of consciousness within the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. This is the essential objective of monthly full moon meditation meetings.
In preparation for group meditation, the most significant part of the work is to become aligned and integrated as a group, open in consciousness to the Hierarchy and the Christ as head of the Hierarchy, and to form a channel of energy communication in human consciousness. In undertaking the service of full moon meditation, the aim is to work imaginatively as members of the new group of world servers, dedicated to world service. Spiritually and telepathically the group is one, and the work is one. < style="font-size: larger;"> These group meditations are based on the science of energy, which recognises that all is energy and energy follows thought.Even the smallest atom of substance contains within it that which can respond to spiritual energy and stimulation.
The effect of meditation is invoking higher, spiritual energies and place these energies within the world of men. This double activity is the secret of creative meditation. It invokes the higher energies, and creates a channel of contact between soul and spirit. It also evokes and creates dynamic movements within humanity for needed changes.
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Libra Meditation Ponderings :
Equity and equilibrium are qualities brought about through the Light of Libra. We can now reach further balance towards achieving increased soul infusion through the application of Wisdom ~ knowledge gained through experience and implemented with love. (1) This practice describes the narrow, razor-edged path associated with Libra, between the pairs of opposites.
Libra is the point of balance in the zodiac, the place where neither spirit nor matter dominates. During this unfolding lunar cycle culminating at the full moon of Libra~Aries, we may develop the practice of choosing the Way which leads between the two great lines of force, allowing the scales of justice to come into balance.
Presently, a potential is being enlivened and seeds of consciousness are forming deep within. We are called now to assist in the Spiritual Hierarchy's task of setting an example for humanity ~ acting "as if" we are members of the Spiritual Kingdom, to which we aspire.
During this month of the Libran lunar cycle, may we take the time to create a sacred space as all are asked to join in service on the inner planes to bring balance to the present challenges in our world.
As the New Group of World Servers, our vision for the Divine Plan includes
• The building of a new economic structure whose purpose is to manifest the growth and development of consciousness. This economy will convert all natural resources to the Spiritual betterment of humanity, meeting the common need whenever and wherever it is focused. (2)
This vision will further manifest the Principle of Sharing for all of humanity, in demonstration of the balance to occur in the economic system as we pursue the Libran Way.
As we explore our relationship with Deity, we may further envision the global economy based on balance and sharing, in which distribution of the world's goods reaches all those in need. Food, fuel, clothing, medical expertise and supplies for everyone in all nations are details of the Plan to be brought about through our dedicated service, as we work together in harmony with Deity.
International Day of Peace Vigil ~ Tues., Sept. 21, 2010
. You are welcome to resound The Great Invocation and meditate with us at this time, and as you are inspired.
We mentally link up with people of goodwill everywhere, as part of the united group channel through which the spiritual forces can become available. Affirming this channel, "We stand poised united as One Soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.
We now visualize and become the Chalice we have created together as a grid of light all over the earth connecting the light of every lightworker and each sacred energy vortex. This network serves as a conduit through which the heavenly blessings may flow through every one of us and to the planet Earth.
When we have achieved this ...
We rise as one into the Light. Light. The gateway that is Libra slowly opens and a great sense of calm and peace enfolds us. We see the Light of Libra is the light that moves to rest.
This Light reveals that before we seek to create, to work and serve in the world, through meditation and reflection, we must find the silence and stillness of the focused point ~ the interlude that true balance brings. Now, with this knowledge, standing with Spiritual poise, equilibrium is achieved, and Soul takes control.
The Soul brings Divine Illumination, and Intuition comes alive within us. Our higher mind is further awakened and we can now see the golden thread of Humanity's evolutionary progress. In the present moment we open to the vision that is our future, the Plan and Purpose that the Divine Life shares for us all.
A voice says, "Look to the Pleiades for further insights in Libra." And then says, "Let choice be made." We, as Soul illumined beings of light, respond in unison ~ "We choose the way between the two great lines of force."
It is our Path, the Way to our Divine Destiny.
The Balance is attained,
Divine Love will sustain.
Form has served and wanes,
The Soul rises and remains!
As we emerge from meditation, with focused mind, heart and will, we dynamically intone The Great Invocation.
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Approach to the Hierarchy:
"He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of men; he passes on the Lighted Way to the great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light and turns the other way.
"He faces towards the dark, and then the seven points of light within himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors--twixt the light and dark--blazes the light of Hierarchy."
Letting in the Light by Lucis Trust:
Link up in consciousness with your soul and the group soul, composed of all the many individuals and groups throughout the world who working in meditation at this time of the full moon opportunity. Say with heartfelt intent:
"I am one with my group brothers and all that I have is theirs.
May the love, which is in my soul, pour forth to them.
May the strength, which is in me, lift and aid them.
May the thoughts, which my soul creates, reach and encourage them."
Attain an inner point of quiescence and poise, aligning within the center of all love. Through a process of spiritual inbreathing, raise the consciousness to as high a point as possible, in alignment with the spiritual Hierarchy, the World Teacher at the heart of Hierarchy and extend the alignment to include the center Shamballa.
You can xxtend the line of light towards Ashram of Sanat Kumara; towards the Christ at the heart of Hierarchy, in addition towards Shamballa, the centre where the Will of God is known.
Stand within the high point of spiritual tension, holding the higher mind poised and quiescent, receptive to spiritual impression. Breath in the energy of the Hierarchy.
Hold the contemplative mind open to the extra-planetary energies streaming into Shamballa and radiated through Hierarchy. Using the creative imagination, endeavour to see the three planetary centres-Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity-gradually coming into alignment and interplay.
Within the light of the higher mind, reflect upon the seed thought under consideration. Consider the inner meaning and symbolic importance behind the words.
Reflect on the seed thought - using the appropriate keynote for the zodiacal sign.
Breath out the energy contacted, visualizing the energy of divine love radiating throughout the group and outward to the world. Feel yourself as part of the divine circulatory flow of the energy love that penetrates all planes and states of consciousness.
Using the creative imagination, visualise the energies of Light, Love and the Will-to-Good pouring throughout the planet and becoming anchored on Earth in prepared physical plane centres through which the Plan can manifest. (Use the six-fold progression of divine Love as the sequence of energy precipitation- Shamballa/Hierarchy/the Christ/the new group of world servers/men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world/physical centres of distribution.)
Re-center the consciousness within the periphery of the great Ashram. Holding that point of tension, extend the alignment as high up into the head as high as possible. Hold the mind poised and quiescent. Sound the affirmation:
In the center of all love I stand.
From that center, I the soul, will outward move.
From that center, I the one who serves, will work.
May the love of the divine self be shed abroad
In my heart, through my group, and throughout the world.
Visualize a lighted band of energy, the "Pathway of Light", projecting from the group mind into the waiting and receptive united group personality. Consider our individual and group responsibilities towards preparing human consciousness for the externalization of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the World Teacher, the Christ
As The Great Invocation is sounded, release the energies, visualise the ououring - of Light and Love and Power from the spiritual Hierarchy, through the five planetary inlets-- New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling, and Tokyo.. See them circulating and irradiating the consciousness of the whole human race throughout the planet via the five pointed star of energy distribution
The Great Invocation
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