This section compiles a fairly complete information about Sagittarius.
Sources and further recommended readings are given at the bottom of this page.

"I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another."
{excerpts from "Esoteric Astrology" by Alice Bailey (Pages 174, 193)}

Islamic moon on Sagittarius
Brad Berg's Basics and thoughts -
Extracted directly and paraphrased
from Esoteric Astrology, by Alice Bailey
Rays 4, 5 and 6 are transmitted through Sagittarius.
Exoteric Ruler: Jupiter - 2nd Ray
Esoteric Ruler: The Earth - 3rd Ray
Leo: personality - integrated man - human soul
Sagittarius: Egoic focus - aspiring man - Spiritual human soul
Aquarius: Monadic focus - intuitive mental man - Spiritual soul
Sagittarius is sometimes depicted as an archer on a white horse, signifying the orientation of man towards a definite goal. The keynote of the archer is aspiration and direction, and later, the goal of initiation. In Sagittarius, we see the one-pointedness of the disciple.
Other keynotes are:
- a clear shaft of light which is the intuitive and focused attitude of the pledged disciple.
- the returning arrow of the intuition, for it is the shaft of the arrow of aspiration which returns to the sender as the arrow of the intuition. Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs.
- idealism which is the power to see the vision and to direct one's course towards it.
This is the work of Mars, the expression of the 6th Ray.
The forces of conflict are powerful in this sign, particularly primarily in the life of the disciple.
Both the Earth and Saturn express the 3rd Ray and this ray relationship serves to bring the influences of Capricorn into relationship with Sagittarius, thus providing a field of energy wherein the one-pointed disciple can finally become the initiate. Students should do well to regard initiation as a determining process in life, and should endeavor that every life experience or cycle of life experiences should work out as an initiation into a wider field of awareness, of expression and of resultant contact.
One of the major underlying themes in Sagittarius is that of Direction. When this faculty of sensitive direction is rightly developed, it becomes, in the early stages, an effort to identify all soul and personality activity with God's Plan.
In Sagittarius, the disciple has 2 things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense. This concerns the relationship between the sacral and throat centers.
No planet is exalted and no planet falls in this sign. The power of Mercury is greatly lessened. For this reason, Sagittarius is esoterically regarded as a sign of balance and of no extremes.
"I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another."
by Kathlyn Newburn
Sagittarius is a sign of vision, of intuition and this full moon confers the opportunity to “see” beneath the surface of life and its events with renewed clarity; to strip away the veils that so often impede our ability to stand within the inner center. WIlliam Blake described the situation this way--"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thru' narrow chinks of his cavern." And St. Paul wrote, “For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” The potency of this full moon derives from its alignment with the galactic center, with the day of the winter solstice (the “narrow gate” of Capricorn--the sign of initiation), and also because it is an eclipse point, which always makes any full moon one of the most important in the annual cycle.
Let us use these powerful energies, therefore, to see things clearly, to dedicate our lives anew to the service of the Coming One, to free ourselves from fear and uncertainty of this transition time by “holding fast to the truth as a lamp.” Truth is another Sagittarian virtue; it pierces through the need for a plethora of words and goes direct to the heart. As John Keats reminded us, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” Some, such as Keats, found their God in Beauty and suffered to live within that consciousness, giving it his all.
To create in this higher sense assumes a purity and cultivated ability to align oneself within the inner source of beauty that is rare to find. To do this, the Tibetan states, we must be willing to “withstand the pain of revelation,” as we work to create those new forms through which to transmit the outward streaming light. The new music, the new art and poetry, appeal to the higher senses, stimulate the higher chakras and encourage or transmit the transcendental experience--for which humanity so sorely craves. Beauty and truth flow into the world through the bridge, revealing the inner splendor, uniting past, present and future through line, colour, and words that lift us out of the realm of the mundane and into that which we know at our highest moments. As every mother knows, the birth pangs are almost too much to withstand but are gone in a second as the child emerges into the light of day, bringing the gift of life. So, too, will it be in our world as the birth pangs of the new civilization will be lost in the joy of the new age which is upon us. The forces of destruction on Earth are being succeeding by the building forces of the second ray and during this Sagittarian Festival the door stands wide for the inpouring of love, viah Jupiter, the sacred planet on the second ray, which aligns so closely with our Earth, whose soul ray is also second ray and who stands as the esoteric ruler of this sign. This month, therefore, offers real opportunity for our beautiful planet to be bathed in the light of love.
We can view the astrological signs, the rays and planets as great streams of colour and sound pouring ceaselessly through the ethers of space. As we attempt to recognize these currents, commune with them and pour them through our vehicles, we join in the unfolding symphony, the music of the spheres, that is being composed at this time.
Kathlyn Newburn can be contacted at www.kathynewburn.com

Important to note:
It is interesting to note that during the time we say the sun is in Sagittarius, this year from November 21 to December 20, 2009, due to the precession of the equinoxes, and from the earth's perspective, the Sun is actually traversing the zodiacal constellation Scorpio. And during the time we say the sun is in Capricorn, this cycle from December 21, 2009 to January 18, 2010, due to the same reasons, the Sun is actually traversing the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius. With these considerations, we invite you to review the materials on Scorpio and Sagittarius freshly, from this perspective.
Excerpts mirror to SouledOut.org
It is said that Sagittarius governs human evolution, for the sun was in this sign when the Hierarchy began its Approach in order to stimulate the forms of life upon our planet.
Again and again, we reenter the cycle of reincarnation through the sign Pisces and find our way around the great wheel until the experience of change and of mutability and the establishing of the transmutation process carry our consciousness from the instinctual and intellectual stages to the faint beginnings of the intuitive processes in Gemini. The one upon the reversing wheel in Gemini becomes more and more aware of the intuition, and increasingly under the influence of the "Brothers who live in the Light," as the twins Castor and Pollux, the two bightest stars in the constellation Gemini, are sometimes called. The light of the personality (Castor) dims as the light of the soul (Pollux) waxes. The fluidity of Pisces and the undeveloped Gemini gives place to the responsiveness of the personality to soul impression and consequent stabilizing of the life on the physical plane.
Under Sagittarius influence, the ordinary person begins to demonstrate the tendency to become more focused, and the fluidity and relative negativity of Piscean energies become concentrated on the attainment of that which is desired. The person demonstrates one-pointed selfish instincts and though they may be, for instance, friendly and kind, it is through a desire for popularity. This is a good expression of the individual Sagittarian subject and shows also the tendency of the soul to turn all evil eventually into good. The lessons of life are being learned, and experimentation is going on.
[ for more information on the Gemini twins, see Notes below ]
As more lives are experienced on the great wheel of incarnation, Sagittarius becomes the sign of the one-pointed disciple. The life of fluid response to matter becomes a focused response to spirit and preparation for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal.
Higher Turns of the Spiral
The Centaur ~ The Archer ~ The Arrow :
Sagittarius is sometimes depicted as an Archer on a white horse and a study of the meaning of this symbolism will reveal a great deal of inner teaching. This is one of the later ways of portraying this constellation. Earlier, from Atlantean days (the period from which we have inherited what we know about astrology), the sign was depicted by the Centaur ~ the fabulous animal which was half a man and half a horse. The horse symbolism dominated Atlantean myths and symbols, just as the ram and the lamb are prominently to be found in our modern presentations. This earlier sign of the Centaur stood for the evolution and the development of the human soul, with its human objectives, its selfishness, its identification with form, its desire and its aspirations.
The Archer on the white horse, the more strictly Aryan symbol for this sign, signifies our orientation towards a definite goal. We are not part of the horse but are free from identification with it and are the controlling factor. The definite goal of the Centaur, the satisfaction of desire and animal incentives, becomes in the later stages the goal of initiation, which meets with satisfaction in Capricorn, after the preliminary work has been done in Sagittarius. The keynote of the Centaur is ambition. The keynote of the Archer is aspiration and direction, and both are expressions of human goals but one is of the personality and the other of the soul.
From ambition to aspiration, from selfishness to an intense desire for selflessness, from individual one-pointed self-interest in Leo to the one-pointedness of the disciple in Sagittarius and then to initiation in Capricorn.

Sagittarius XV Century
The astrological symbol for Sagittarius used by astrologers is simply the arrow with a fragment of the bow depicted. The Archer as well as the Centaur have dropped out of the picture because the emphasis or focus of human living today is not based upon the objective outer facts of life upon the physical plane but upon some form of inner focus or emphasis, which varies from the many stages of astral ambition to spiritual aspiration, and from the activities of the lower mind bent upon selfish interest to the illumination of the same mind through focus upon the soul.
The bow and arrow represent freedom or one-pointedness ~ the shaft of the arrow represents the necessary aspiration which returns to the sender as the arrow of the intuition. Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs, for only the intuition will suffice to carry a man to the foot of the mountain of initiation in Capricorn. In the final stages of life upon the Mutable Cross, Sagittarius achieves the determination to "direct energy into another way of life and with ardour firm, mount another Cross" ~ the Cardinal Cross.
Each incarnation that we find ourselves under the influence of Sagittarius, it is with the purpose of orienting to some new and higher objective, with the task of refocusing towards a higher goal and with the unfoldment of some basic and directing purpose. These developing purposes may range all the way from purely animal desire, through selfish human ambition, to the struggle of the aspiring disciple or initiate in order to achieve the needed liberation towards which the entire evolutionary process has impelled us.

In Sagittarius, the intellect which has been developed, used, and finally illumined becomes sensitive to a still higher type of mental experience and to this we give the name, intuitive perception. There come flashes of light upon problems; a distant yet possible vision of attainment is seen. We begin to climb out of the depths of Scorpio and see ahead of us the mountain in Capricorn we know must be eventually climbed. We walk no longer in the dark, for we see what we have to do and we make rapid progress and travel "fast upon the Way." We "fly from point to point, searching for the arrows we have discharged."
Figuratively speaking, we constantly have to dismount from the white horse ~ the developed and purified personality ~ and find where the arrows of intuitional aspiration will take us. We travel upon the "wings of the soul" (note the relationship to the winged feet of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods) and become, in our own personality, the winged God: Mercury, as you know, governs Gemini, the polar opposite of Sagittarius. This we do until we have established a balanced relationship between the personality and the soul, and can function as either at any desired moment with equal facility.
In connection with the above, it is interesting to note that the Twins, set apart and unattached in Gemini, became the Centaur, the man-beast, in Sagittarius, for the opposites in the zodiacal circle express spirit and matter and their interrelation, plus the play of qualitative energies; they bear witness at the same time to the fact that these two are one and are simply the expression of great mutable, and yet fixed and initiated spiritual Lives. In the unevolved being, Gemini's changeableness and instability give way to Sagittarius's ambitious desire and focused direction. In the evolved being, soul recognition and interplay are found in Gemini, to be blended into Sagittarius's one-pointed spiritual aspiration and discipleship.
References in The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky:
1. "Castor and Pollux, the bright Gemini, were born from Leda's egg." (S.D.I., p. 392.)
2a. "The legend of Castor and Pollux is concerned with the mortal half of man, the personality, and the immortal part, the ego or spiritual individual. The personality has nothing in itself to survive and the other half which becomes immortal in its individuality by reason of its fifth principle being called to life by the Informing Gods, thus connecting the Monad with this Earth. This is Pollux, while Castor represents the personal, mortal man, an animal of not even a superior kind, when unlinked from the divine Individuality." (S.D. II, p. 130)
2b. "Castor owes his immortality to Pollux. Pollux sacrifices himself to Castor." (S.D. II, p. 130)
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Sagittarius by J. Bosschart
Sources and Recommended articles on Sagittarius:
- WorldServiceGroup.com