Scorpio -Spiritual
Festival, November 2009:
Saturday, November 14,
2009, 1:15 PM -5:15 PM
keynote is:
"Igniting the
Universal Will-to-Good in a Time of Decision"

talk: "The Will-to-Good: The Magnetic Seed Of The Future"
Mr. John
Marks and Ms. Susan Colin Marks
Conflict Through the Universal Will-to-Good"
Marks is president and founder of Search for Common Ground, an
international conflict prevention NGO headquartered in Washington and
Brussels, with offices in 18 countries.
Colin Marks is the senior vice president of Search for Common Ground.
She served as a peacemaker and peacebuilder during South Africa's
transition from apartheid to democracy
. |
Mr. Rick
the Individual Will to Address the Urgency of the Environmental Crisis"
Ulfik is founder of We, The World, an organization that supports the
movement of social change on a global scale by seeking to inspire and
involve people towards transformative consciousness. |
Williams Club,
24 East 39th Street
(between Park and Madison Avenues),
New York City
Tuesday November 17th,
2009, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Speaker: Lenn Goodman (Vanderbilt University)
and Philip Kitcher (Columbia University)
How has modern science changed religion? What does religion have to say to science? Has science irrevocably eroded religion's credibility and legitimacy, or does religion--as a guide to life and a way of wisdom--provide us with precisely what science lacks? Is Judaism exempt from, or aparty to, the tensions between these ways of understanding the world? This series will explore the complementary/competitive relationship through lively conversations with award-winning authors and thinkers.
In this first conversation, two leading philosophers address the perceived conflict between the Bible's perspective--in which a benevolent God creates a good world--and a Darwinian conception of a universe governed by accident and chance.
Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway
(at 122nd Street)
New York, NY 10027
Sunday November 22nd,
2009, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
From Mysticism to Occultism
Transitioning into the Aquarian Age
At this time, many people are feeling apprehensive about where life is going. There is a general sense of unease or doubt. This is a global phenomenon that is linked to the ‘Age’ that we are in. In the song Aquarius, it speaks of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
That time is now and by attending this workshop you will receive a better understanding of what the Age of Aquarius is, how it will impact your life and, most importantly, practical guidance on how to make the transition from the Age of Pisces, the Age of Mysticism to the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Occultism. Specifically by better understanding:
- Brotherhood
- Synthesis
- The Feminine Principle
- Masonry
- Meditation
- Service
This introductory workshop is being held by Etta Jackson, the author of three cutting edge books on the ancient wisdom teachings which include Masonry, the Qabalah, mysticism, occultism, the Feminine Principle, and much, much more presented for the first time in an easy to understand format.
The New York Open Center
22 E. 30th Street,
New York, NY 10016 |
$40 (includes a signed copy of Understanding Your Choice)
by Thursday Nov. 12th
Etta D. Jackson
212-749-0237 and/or arvesta33@yahoo.com
Saturday December 12th,
2009, 2:00 PM
Drive for the homeless.
Drop off locations include
Still Mind Zendo 37 W. 17th St.
and Yoga Yoga 102 W. 14th St..
holiday treats .
Animals are welcome.
There may even be music.
It will be a joyous way to celebrate the season and to share of our blessings.
Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew
263 W. 86th Street,
New York, NY 10024
Lalitamba Mandiram swaminisld@yahoo.com
Every Saturday in November,
2009, 4:00 PM -5:15 PM
11/7; 11/14; 11/21; 11/28
Know that
a purpose was born when you were born
A sacred mission
Wound about your heart,
Self sustained with innate power
Waiting to be released,
To be fulfilled.
Realize your potential. Listen to the voice in your heart.
Become Who You Truly Are.
Using Integrative Spiritual Practices such as Guided Imagery, Visualization, Meditation and Deep Energy Work, in a supportive environment, you will have
the opportunity to become aware of what holds you back and keeps you from being the person you want to be.
By practicing Centered Awareness, Openness and
Intentionality, you will gain the motivation and understanding to help you lead a more meaningful life—closer to your heart’s desire.
Dr. Ida Urso, Ph.D.
19 W. 34th Street, PH
New York, NY 10001 |
Call and reserve your place no later than Noon on the Friday before the Saturday in which you wish to participate.
(212) 947-7111, Ext 167
Please, leave your phone number
For more
information, visit http://www.isp.aquaac.org