Aquarius Info

Aquarius - Service. Water of Life. Group consciousness.

1.20 - 1.22 ( 8:36 am ) - 1.24

The exact Aquarius sign time is 8:36 am on Tuesday. Please meditate 10 minutes before, during, and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation period starts on January 20 th and ends on January 24 th (Sunday through Thursday).

The key note of Aquarius is “ Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men .” Aquarius is on the Fixed Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Leo (). Aquarius is an air sign . Rays 2 (Love-Wisdom) and 7 (Order and Ceremonial Magic) pour forth to Earth through the rulers of this sign.


1. Aquarius represents service. In this sign you learn to identify with the needs of a group of people - be it family, country, or work. Now you can plan what you are going to do for yourself, your family, your group, the world. The sign brings precipitation of service into reality. It present the beneficial opportunity to serve.

2. Aquarius - the brightest sign in the sky right now. We are now transiting into the age of Aquarius, which will last for the next 2 thousand years. Time to serve has come. One can see how service brings good opportunities to oneself: "Serve - and all will be given to you,” say the Bible. Another piece of wisdom is "There nothing higher in life than to give your life for your friend."

3. Why don't we want to serve? Because of the tough consequences of service. We will have to make sacrifices. For service to people is real work.


4. Aquarius belongs to the Fixed Cross of Heavens - the Cross of Transmutation. In this sign desire becomes aspiration, and selfishness is transformed into selflessness .

5. The Seventh Ray of Life comes into manifestation in the Age of Aquarius. It brings intelligent organization of every aspect of our and public life. A good organization of life is a magical process of creating the correct processes – or ceremonies. Thus the Age of Aquarius will bring Organization and Ceremonial Magic to our planet. The seventh ray coming into manifestation through Aquarius relates spirit and matter on a physical plane, producing gradually a functioning whole .


Excerpts from Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey

, “AQUARIUS” (p. 134):

1. Aquarius – is the Light , that shines on Earth across the sea . It is the light that shines in the darkness forever, and clarifies with its healing rays that which must be purified till all the darkness is gone.

3. There are 3 key notes of Aquarius

- The service of the personality , the lower self, which eventually transmutes itself into the service of humanity .

- Superficial and selfish activity which changes into a deep and active intention to be active on behalf of Teachers of Love and Wisdom.

- Self-centered living which changes finally into a sensitive humanitarian awareness .

4. In Aquarius the matter and the imprisoned soul are already tolerant of one anther . In an advanced Aquarian individual the soul and the spirit express themselves through matter . In Aquarius a man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interests and his individual responsibilities towards the group. This is a result of unfolding of his consciousness .

5. Aquarius deals with the nature of connection that holds everything together subjectively and in truth . While in Pisces (Fishes) the energy of the bond between the personality and the soul is an enslaving connection – limiting, and holding the soul hostage.

6. An average Aquarian individual is generous for show only. An esoterically advanced Aquarius put everything he has into his vessel, keeping all of it for help, and freely giving its contents on demand, when he meets the need .

7. An average Aquarian on the Mutable Cross will, for example be a devoted worker in some firm, and all of his interests will end there, he gives everything he has to it. On the Fixed Cross, this dedication of oneself to others becomes his help to the world.

8. An Aquarian subject can feel the depth of depression and self-depreciation or can know and pass through the exaltation of his soul and the feeling of spiritual might, that the soul control brings. He knows it as an interaction, and also as an action and counter-action, necessary for growth and learning.

9. The rulers of Aquarius are Uranus - 7th ray (exoteric), Jupiter (esoteric) - 2nd ray, and Moon (hierarchical) - 4th ray.

10. Uranus - 7 th ray - open vision and Jupiter - 2 nd ray have a unique interplay. Uranus veils the Moon - esoterically organizing forms, blind lives – it is the work of the 7 th creative Hierarchy.

11. The rulers of the three Aquarius decanates are Saturn, Mercury and Venus - symbolizing Opportunity - Illumination - Brotherhood .

12. Aquarius governs blood system and circulation . Blood distributes Life force throughout the body.


Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!