Scorpio Info

Scorpio - Trials.

11.11 - 11.13 (1:18 am) - 11.15

Tests: Energy - money, sex, comfortable living
Feelings - fear, hatred, ambition
Logic - separativeness, cruelty, pride.

The exact SCORPIO sign time is 1:18 am November 13, Thursday, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation period starts on November 11 and ends on November 15 (Tuesday through Saturday).

The key note of Scorpio is “ Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant .” Scorpio is on the Fixed Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Taurus. Scorpio is a water sign. Rays 4, 6, pour in through the rulers of this sign.

Scorpio is the time of tests. Our biggest next challenges will surface for us to work on them. It is the time to sort the useful from the unnecessary. After the Scorpio time, our souls will clean our outward circumstances of the unnecessary. It may seem painful, but it is useful. Otherwise we will have lots of things and situations around us, and we would never know which ones were truly important.



Excerpts from Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey

“SCORPIO” (pp.):

•  Scorpio – is the Light of the Day. It is the place where the three lights meet – the light of the from, the light of the soul, and the light of life. They meet, blend, and grow .

•  The unity of egotism - the conflict of duality – the higher unity

Monster Fighter Disciple

3. Scoprio provides “ the points of crises ” and “ the moments of reorientation

4. The three major trials are in their turn divided into three stages, as a person on the Path of the Discipleship may find out that he enters into this sign of trial 9 times .

5. The three trials in Scorpio also deal with the three aspects of the human being in the way they are blended on the physical plane. First of all it is the trial of appetite . Appetites are the natural attachments and the tendencies intrinsic in the animal nature. These are largely 3: sex, physical comfort and money as the concretized energy . Secondly, there are trials related to desire and astral plane. They are subtler in nature; they are not a part of the animal nature, but are imposed by the nature of desire . Again there are three of them: fear, hatred and ambition (emotion) or desire for power . And, thirdly – the trial of our lower critical mind : pride, separativeness, and cruelty . Please understand that the worst kind of cruelty is not physical in its nature, but rather mental.

A 1. Sex – a relationship between the pairs of opposites. They may be used egotistically, or put to group use.

2. Physical comfort – living conditions egotistically appropriated.

3. Egotistically cornered – money (if I am allowed to use this phrase).

B 1. Fear – factor determining human activity today

2. Hatred – the factor determining human relationships today

3 . Ambition – determining human goals

C. 1 . Pride – is the intellectual satisfaction, making human mind a barrier on the way of connecting to soul

2. Separativeness – isolated position, making the mind a barrier on the way to the correct group relationships.

3. Cruelty – satisfaction by the personal methods, making the mind an instrument for the thirst for power.

6. The key notes of Scorpio – trial, judgment and triumph or: struggle, power and position of the Sagittarius . Another aspect of Scorpio experience – is the repeated capitulation and reorientation .

7. Scorpio is a disciple's sign, it guarantees the disciple's triumph after the trials. Triumph of the soul over the matter does not come right away, nor does a complete triumph come before the third initiation. But in the process we evolve and emerge from each of our trials liberated, as our consciousness expands. After those tests our soul that is ever active helps us rise again.

8. In Scorpio we talk about two kinds of serpents – the serpent of desire, and the serpent of wisdom. After we lift our serpent of desire – a ten-headed Hydra - into the light and chop its real tenth head of, we arrive at wisdom.

9. The final struggle in Scorpio only happens after the point of balance between soul and body had been reached in Libra, and in Scorpio the predominance of spiritual energy is imposed upon the lower personal forces. As a result of this we re-orient ourselves using “the points of crisis” that Scorpio brings about, leave the Mutable Cross and mount the Fixed Cross. Then Scorpio leads us through the first, second and third initiations. After the experience in Scorpio we become one-pointed disciples in Sagittarius.

10. In this process humility is born and becomes stronger.

11. The Sixth ray of Idealism and Devotion that has rule humanity throughout the age of Pisces, is important in Scorpio. The US personality and the personality of Russia are on the 6 th ray. The US is expressing the lower materialistic qualities of this ray right now with the conflict in Iraq , the economical crises, and the political confrontation with many countries.

12. The United Nations organization was founded in 1946 in the sign of Scorpio, and we should pray for it during this period of time.

13. In Scorpio the correct understanding of death as liberating process is revealed. In everyday life Scorpio leads to the death of personality with its longings, desires, greed, ambition and selfishness.

14. Scorpio is closely related to Sirius governing our planetary Hierarchy.

15. The rulers of Scorpio are Mars (exoteric), Mars (esoteric), and Mercury (hierarchical).

16. The rulers of the three Scorpio decanates are Mars, Jupiter, and the Moon.

17. Scorpio rules blood through Mars.


Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!