Aries Info

Aries - The Beginning. Will to manifest. Will-to-be.
Precipitation of an idea .

3.19 - 3.21 ( 2:41 pm ) - 3.23

The exact full moon time is 10:46pm February 20, Wednesday, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation time starts on March 19 and ends on March 23 (Wednesday though Sunday ) .

Aries starts the new astrological year. It is a subjective sign. Aries' higher key note is: “ I come forth, and from the plane of mind, I rule. ” The lower note is: “And the Word said: Let form again be sought.” Aries is a fire sign. It is a constellation of the Cardinal Cross of the Heaves. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Libra . Rays # 4 (Harmony through Conflict), 6 (Devotion, Idialism),1 (Will/Power) ,7 (Organization/Ceremonial Magic) reach the Earth through it.

Please Meditate on the Following :

- In Aries we leave the past, and start anew. New actions come to people, new living ideas come to disciples. The powerful energy of the beginning is calling us into the future. Spring has come.

- Aries teaches rulership. In Aries a man who embraces the first ray energy develops the power of organization

- Aries helps to develop control over the energy of death.


- Aries teaches to apply the power of destruction with love

- Aries gives energy to dominate over many people.

- Aries teaches cooperation with the Plan of God. It teaches the correct practice of Will. Aries guides us in correctly directing planetary affairs .


Exerpts from Aries chapter from “ Esoteric Astrology ” by Alice Bailey:


1. Aries – is the Light of Life Itself. It is a faint point of light, placed in the center of the cycle of incarnation, dull and flickering. It is the “projector of Logos, searching that which can be used” for manifestation of Divinity.

2. Aries initiates the cycle of manifestation .

3. The keynotes of Aries are four in number

- Express the will to be and do .

- Unfold the power to manifest .

- Enter into battle for the Lord.

- Arrive at unity through effort .

4. Creation – Being – Activity – Strife – Synthesis , these are the nature of the Lord of the first ray. He brings these results to our planet. He brings the results of these processes to our planet.

5. Form is a way of the manifestation of soul. Soul is a way on the higher plane for the manifestation of Spirit. These three are a trinity blended together by Life which pervades them all (Secret Doctrine I.80).

6. The initial impulse is awoken in Aries, as Aries is the place, where the initial idea of a certain activity takes form. It is the birth place of idea .

7. Aries is the zodiacal sign through which the first Ray of Will or Power reaches our planetary life . The festival of Aries is also known as the festival of Easter. This is the festival of risen , living Christ. The first ray is the ray of the destroyer (Shiva aspect) . It is also the birthplace of divine ideas ( Vishnu aspect ).

8. A mental impulse in Aries needs to be nourished till it manifests on the plane of existence. The impulse then acquires astral energy of desire in Taurus. Then it gets etheric energy from Gemini. These 3 energies finally condense into a blueprint form in Cancer for the first time. The form then develops via the rest of the signs to fully express the soul. God's idea in Aries becomes a developed project in Capricorn. This is true with planetary plans, individual ambitions, or spiritual aspiration .

9. Aries – is the sign of the beginnings, of creative process, the first step of the soul in the direction of manifestation. This is the beginning of the repeating and constant cycle of experience, the beginning of the time, in which the Soul changes its direction, its goal and its method .

10. Finally the disciple enters into a precisely stipulated process that we call spiritual rebirth, and initiation.

11. Aries awakens the will to reach the lowest and “achieve control there, to know the remotest and this way to face all experience.”

12. Thus in the dense matter Aries creates activities, conditions and processes which lead to the manifestation of the soul through the form.

13. The first ray works out as its triple activity under the guidance of the three ruling planets – Mars, Mercury and Uranus.

14. The rulers of Aries are: Mars (exoteric), Mercury (esoteric - enlightens the mind, mediates between the soul and the personality, is a Messenger of the Gods, connects us with our intuition that comes from the place of the soul), and Uranus (hierarchical - brings about the Crisis of the burning ground).

15. The rulers of the three decanates of Aries are Jupiter, the Sun, and Mars .


Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!