Capricorn Info

Capricorn - The Way to the top. The Mountain of Initiation . Integrity.

Five day period: 1.8 - 1.10 ( 10:28 pm )- 1.12

The exact Capricorn sign time is 10:28 p.m. , January 10, Saturday, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation time starts on January 8 and ends on January 12 (Thursday through Monday).

The key note of Capricorn is “Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back”. Capricorn is an initiate's sign . Capricorn is the earth sign. It is on the Cardinal Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Cancer. Rays 3 (Intelligent Activity), 5 (Science) pour onto the earth through the rulers of this sign.

Please meditate on the following:

1. Capricorn teaches us to overcome difficulties, and to finish our tasks despite obstacles.

2. Capricorn allows us to succeed at the different planes of our lives. The accomplishments can be on a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual planes. As well as the circumstances of our every day living. And our relationships with those around us.

3. Capricorn also gives us the knowledge of humility on the way to the top. It only allows us to reach a peak on our knees.



Redacted and adapted from "Esoteric Astrology" by Alice Bailey

Capricorn: pp. 153-174.

1. Capricorn – is the Light of Initiation. It is the light, that lights the way to the mountain top and leads to transformation, thus revealing the rising sun .

2. The mystery of God the Holy Spirit is hidden in this sign. It leads to liberation, and is closely related to Humanity. The Crocodile, the Goat and the Unicorn depict the three stages of man's unfoldment. Capricorn is the sign of a mountain goat , that looks for the means of existence in the rocky and arid parts of the world, and thus relates a man with the mineral kingdom. It is also the sign of the Crocodiles , living half in the water, half on land; spiritually it is the sign of the Unicorn , who represents the “militant and victorious creature” of the ancient myths.

3. Capricorn is the earth sign, and in its lower aspect signifies the densest point of materialism of which the human soul is capable. A person is “ from the earth and earthly here – the “first Adam” of the New Testament.

4. When crystallization has reached a certain degree of hardness, it is easily destroyed and shattered, and man, born in Capricorn then brings his own destruction. This is due to fundamental materialism and “ the blows of fate ,” that affirm the law of Karma. Time and time again a certain degree of manifestation is achieved in only to be destroyed, preceding the liberation of life and the rebuilding of the form . In this sense Capricorn holds within itself the seeds of death and finality.

5. Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life is not possible . That is why Capricorn is the sign of what esoterically is called “ periodic limitation .” Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms. That is why one has to go down into the valley of the pain, despair and death, before undertaking a new attempt to reach the peak.

6. Capricorn as the consequence of the above, is the sign that starts a new cycle of effort for people – from individuals to initiates. The effort, the stain, struggle and fight; battling with the forces of inferno, or the hard circumstances entailed by the tests of discipleship and initiation – are all the distinguishing signs of experience in Capricorn .

7. In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter. It reaches its densest and most concrete point, but this triumph is followed by the triumph of the spirit. In Capricorn we have the manifestation of the full nature of the earthly form, and also of the immense spiritual opportunities.

8. Capricorn opens the door into the Hierarchy in a higher aspect when the last three initiations can be undergone and the significance of Scorpio and of Virgo is understood.

9. Capricorn guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation . This is sometimes called the “ secret of hidden glory .” Esoterically all world Saviors and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn.

10. The rulers of this sign are Saturn (exoteric and esoteric), and Venus (hierarchical).

11. The rulers of the decanates of the sign are Saturn, Venus and Sun .