The key note of Capricorn is “Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back”. Capricorn is an initiate's sign . Capricorn is the earth sign. It is on the Cardinal Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Cancer. Rays 3 (Intelligent Activity), 5 (Science) pour onto the earth through the rulers of this sign.

Please meditate on the following:

1. Capricorn teaches us to overcome difficulties, and to finish our tasks despite obstacles.

2. Capricorn allows us to succeed at the different planes of our lives. The accomplishments can be on a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual planes. As well as the circumstances of our every day living. And our relationships with those around us.

3. Capricorn also gives us the knowledge of humility on the way to the top. It only allows us to reach a peak on our knees.