Leo Info

Leo - Individulaisation. Self-consciusness. Control.

8.14 - 8.16 (5:18 pm) - 8.18


The exact Leo sign time is 5:18 pm August 16, Saturday, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. Note that the exact time is the most powerful minute for meditation – don't miss it. The 5 day meditation period starts on August 14 and ends on August 18 (Thursday -Monday). The key note of Leo is “ I AM THAT AND THAT AM I .” Leo is a sign of an ordinary man. Leo is on the Fixed Cross of Heavens, and deals with the disciple's trials. Its opposite on the Cross of Aquarius. Leo is a Fire sign. Rays 2 (Love-Wisdom), 6 (Idealism/Devotion) and 7 (Order and Ceremonial Magic) pour in through this sign.


Ponder on this:

  1. LEO IS SLEEPING, AND WE NEED TO WAKE HIM UP. Means that we should feel ourselves, know what we need and thus direct our actions. Leo helps us to follow our intuition under various circumstances, thus developing the true self-consciousness in us.
  2. Leo helps us to become aware of our true needs, and to subject ourselves to discipline voluntarily. This discipline comes from our inner vision, and not from social pressure. And when we achieve a good measure of self-discipline, then we can be leaders for others.


  1. Leo teaches correct rulership – if group interests are important to you. The prayer of the true Leo person is “ Father, let not My will but Yours be done ,” as Christ put it.
  2. Leo is the sign of synthesis, as it channels the energy of the soul, the energy of Love-Wisdom. It teaches us to synthesize different points of view, different people's contributions to the common project, different countries' interests – thus achieving unity. Leo channels the soul energy, whose nature is unity.


Excerpts from “ Esoteric Astrology ” by Alice Bailey

Leo (pp.285-311):


  1. Leo's function and its influences can be summed up by a single word “ sensitivity ” In Leo we learn sensitivity to our surroundings, to the will and desires of our personality, sensitivity to soul, and finally sensitivity of God-Man to the environment. The sign is often described as “a place of battles between the forces of Materialism and the forces of Light .”
  2. This is one of the most material signs, where the desire for possession of material goods can be especially present, and this possessiveness can direct an individual fiercely. At the same time an evolved Leo subject can act as “ an inspired spiritual sacrifice .” He is then sensitive to the needs of the world and free from personal desires.
  3. Many people are convinced they are self-conscious, when they are swayed by desire, and are swayed to satisfy that desire, or recognize themselves as the dramatic center of their universe.
  4. An accomplished person acts out of the self-imposed discipline , that leads him to perfection unique only to him . The discipline imposed from outside leads to the opposite results. Leo sounds a note of true self-consciousness and individuality . A person feels his goal, and directs himself according to a definite life plan and program.
  5. At this stage a person's environment is no longer the conditioning factor. Instead of a person conditions his environment according to the divine plan and purpose, at the same time to cultivating sensitivity to the higher impacts of the spiritual worlds .
  6. The leader experience in Leo is preparatory for the group service in Aquarius. A person shifts from selfish interests and adapts to group requirements. And just as he learnt to listen to his own needs and direction, he learns to listen to the group needs and direction. Hearing intuition here is the key, and making a point to follow it, despite any obstacles.
  7. There are also two minor, but important keynotes in Leo: the will-to-illumine , which drives people towards self-knowledge, self-perception, and intellectual positivity; and also the will-to-rule and to dominate large or small groups of people.
  8. Leo is a fire sign. It helps to purify our lower nature. On the ordinary Wheel fire always finishes esoterically the purification that water started. On the reversed Wheel water gives place to fire, that burns away all the dross in disciples.
  9. The rulers of the sign are Sun via Vulcan (exoteric) – hammering on the ordinary man in every aspect for self-direction. Sun via Neptune (esoteric) – teaching soul control to aspirants, and Sun via Uranus – teaching Spirit control to the initiates (hierarchical).
  10. Leo in Cosmic sense is ruled by Sirius . Sirius is a seat of the Great Lodge that put a beginning to our Hierarchy.
The rulers of the three Leo decanates are Sun, Jupiter, and Mars .


Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!