Libra Info

Libra - Balance between the form and the soul . Equilibrium .

9.24 - 9.26 (3:46 pm) - 9.28


The exact LIBRA sign time is 3:46 pm Septermber 26, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation period starts on Sep 24 and ends on Sep 28 (Monday through Friday).

The key note of Libra is for the disciples, and comes from the plane of the soul “ I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force .” For average people the keynote is “ And the word said: “Let the choice be made .” Libra is on the Cardinal Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Aries. Libra is an air sign. Rays 3, 5, 7 pour in through the rulers of this sign. It is a disciple's sign.

Libra is the time of crucial decision making. You can weigh your choices and decide what direction you will take in the next cycle – spiritual or material. Depending on your choice you will either follow material life in Virgo, or go on to develop the soul vibration in Virgo. The choice is psychological –whether go get offended or to forgive, to get angry or to have patience, to lie to tell the truth.



Excerpts from Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey

,“LIBRA” (pp.226-251):

1. Libra is the Light leading to peace . It is the light that oscillates till the point of balance is reached . It is the light characterized by moving up and down .

2. Libra is the sign of balancing , of careful weighing of values, and of achieving the right equilibrium between the pairs of opposites .

3. In Libra life is spent in quiet, thoughtful reflection, or in a condition of static unresponsiveness. Incarnation after the incarnation the soul vibration predominates and there comes the time of the reversal of the wheel. Then Libra leads on to Scorpio instead of Virgo, and to active soul life.

4. Libra – Contemplation. – Life of soul and form is balanced. Neither dominates. Equilibrium. An interlude wherein the soul organizes itself for battle and the personality waits. This is the probationary path. Duality known.

5. During this time the personality grows, yet it veils the hidden soul within each human form. Both reach equal power in this sign.

6. Libra represents the crisis of equilibrium. It is “ the place of judgment .” Here the choice is made, which separates “the sheep from the goats.” It really makes a distinction between the ordinary wheel of life and the reversed wheel.

7. This final judgment will come in the next great world cycle when 2/3 of humanity would have unfolded the Christ principle in themselves to some degree – and become “people of the heart.”

8. Libra takes a special place on the Great Wheel, as the energies flowing from this constellation control what one can call “ the axis of the wheel .” This is a point in the mid-space, where the 12 zodiacal energies meet and cross.

8. Libra is related to the third creative aspect of Divinity and governs law, sex and money . Sex will be seen eventually to be proper and divine function, and will then be safeguarded by the right education of the young and the ignorant. The solution to sex problem will not be found through religious teaching, or through physical inhibition. It will come through spiritually minded and intellectual attitude, in keeping with the evolutionary process.

9. Libra has been the “sponsor of the law.” Up till now law enforced the attitude of fear and retribution which was necessary in the old days for the childish minds of humanity. In the future law will become positive through the practice of right relationships, self-control and unselfishness. The influence of Libra should be imposed in childhood along spiritual lines. Crime will be eradicated when the living conditions of children are improved, when physical attention in given the early formative years to glandular balance as well as to teeth and eyes and ears, a right posture and correct feeding. A certain configuration of stars will bring about the reorientation of the legal profession. The legal rights of children will be universally protected. Russia will propose this step, the USA will endorse it before year 2035.

10. Through Libra light upon the third aspect of money will come. Gold is the symbol of the creation that appears form the union of Spirit and Matter. Money relates physical need and physical supply through creative imagination.

11. The rulers of Libra are Venus (exoteric), Uranus (esoteric), and Saturn (hierarchical).

12. The rulers of the three Libran decanates are Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury.



Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!