
Meditation Meetings
Discussion Summary


It's very important to inform ourselves
with the most reliable sources on humanity's issues
in order to serve better.

Libra Solar Festival recommendation:
Can We Save the World Economy?
Click here to watch this panel

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Videos and Documents for Discussion



Full Moon in Libra, 2008:


  • (Aquarian Age Community Meditation Group at the United Nations) This group meditation is very significant for having taken place in the beautiful and inspiring meditation room , symbol of the spiritual guidance of the United Nations. This day was the 56th anniversary of the creation of this oasis of peace and spirituality.

    The group concentrated its discussion on the confrontation of the retrogressive force of greed, of abuses of power and of matter (materialism) manifested in the financial crisis, citing as well the progressive force of spiritual discipline, the building of consensus among nations and efforts of the UN for the development of humanity through invoking the concepts of fairness and peace.

    The confrontation among internal forces at the UN, the retrogressive Security Council and the progressive General Assembly were also mentioned.

    The group focused as well on the spiritual symbol of money as beneficial energy for the service of humanity and also on the materialistic use of money as a weapon of domination and greed. Choices were explored as to possible positions to take in confrontation of those latter forces.

    Regarding the national confrontation of forces to lead the United States, the group saw Obama closer to the light of progress regarding recognition of the voices of other nations, attention to the needy and his direction towards education, health, energy and science, while McCain is closer to the retrogressive forces of war, privilege, demagogy and deception.

  • (New York Full Moon Meditation Group) This group meditation was very deep and provided a lot of energy. The group discussed the financial crisis in the light of the teachings by Alice Bailey, with special regard to the areas of law and money ( excerpts 10 and 11 on the Libra Info page ).

    The group explored the human spiral of progress and saw that the financial crisis demands a new level of equilibrium and a new set of choices; it was pointed out that the astrological period we are in now is favorable to change.

    Many developments are still in progress and probably during the next full moon in Libra we will be able to see better the forces confronted and the new choices available.

    Within the national struggle for new leadership the group saw Obama leaning toward changes on the perspective of progress.

  • (The Lucis Trust Full Moon Meditation Group) This group listened to a presentation explaining the forces of matter and spirit as related to the financial crisis and the choices of balance and change that we have available. Also highlighted was the need for change and progress. This document will be available on their website.

  • Please, check the Worldwide Network Listing of Meditation Groups and Meditation Groups Around the World.