Pisces Info

Pisces - Salvation. Exit from materialism. Light of Life.

2.18 - 2.20 ( 10:46 pm ) - 2.22

The exact full moon time is 10:46pm February 20, Wednesday, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation time starts on February 18 and ends on February 22 ( ? onday through Friday ) . Please precipitate the sign's energy and qualities for the next year .

The key note of Pisces is “ I leave the Father's home, and turning back I save .” This is the higher note of the sign. Pisces is on a Mutable Cross. Pisces is a water sign. Rays 1 of Will-Power, Ray 2 of Love-Wisdom, and Ray 6 of Devotion-Idealism are expressed through this sign.

Note : In Pisces, on March 20 , the New Astrological Year begins. Please see the attached calendar for 2007/08 meditations!!!

What to do :

1. If you meditate, you will see all the heights and the depths of your life.

2. In Pisces we learn how to detach. In this new light your situations will show their true dimensions.

3. Pisces bring the energy of death. It brings the opportunity to end certain relationships or situations in your life. If they are bad – do away with them. If they are completed, good, - take the next step. Remove all the waste from your life. All the past is closed.


4. Pisces bring Salvation. In it you get forgiveness for all and even the gravest sins.

5. Some level of your situation is complete – end it. The next step of the situation will appear eventually. The new life shall begin.



Excerpts from “ Esoteric Astrology ” by Alice Bailey:


Pisces – is the Light of the World. It is the revealing light of Life itself. They will end the darkness of matter forever .

1. Pisces is a dual sign. It signifies bringing together the soul and the form. It is a sign of MEDIATORSHIP , as it brings together the pairs of opposites, the soul and the form.

2. We study the duality of Pisces in conjunction with its thre keynotes of Pisces are

Bondage or Captivity

Renunciation or detachment

Sacrifice and death

3. In the first cycles of incarnation our soul is a prisoner to our matter. The soul is linked to the form . The form does its selfish and self-destructive actions unchecked by the soul. Hence the symbol of Pisces – the two fishes linked together by a bond .

4. One fish stands for the soul, another one for the personality or the nature of form, and between them is found a silver thread or SUTRATMA that holds them together during all of the manifested life. Later, on the reversed wheel, the soul takes the personality captive , but for ages the situation is reverse, and the form holds the soul captive.

5. It is in this dual sign the imprisoned soul and the personality enter upon the process that will transform

- The lower nature into its higher expression .

- The lower psychic powers into the higher spiritual abilities :

a. Negativity into positive soul control .

b . Mediumship into mediatorship . (Mediumship in its true meaning signifies mass consciousness – impressionability, negativity, and proneness to hypnosis. )

c. Clairvoyance into spiritual perception .

d. Clairaudience into mental telepathy and, finally, inspiration .

e. Instinct into intellect .

f. Selfishness into divine selflessness .

g. Acquisition into renounciation .

h. Self-preservation into selfless world service .

i. Self pity into compassion, sympathy and divine understanding .

j. Spiritual and mental limitations into soul expression and mental sensitivity .

k. Devotion to the needs of the self into developed devotion and response to the needs of humanity .

l. Identification with form into detachment from form and ability to identify with soul .

6. At this stage the Piscean influence in on the path of involution, when the sun is moving across the astrological signs in a reverse way. The germ of Christ ' s life acquires the psychic impressions , becoming more attuned to them . They are washed away by the ever changing desire . He constantly makes sense of his painful contacts, but is unable to interpret them correctly, as his mind is not yet awakened appropriately in Virgo. This hidden Christ is yet unable to protect Himself from the contact with “the water.”

7. A person in Pisces oscillates between the pairs of opposites, till he checks his fluid psychic nature by developing mental control in Virgo. With time our soul brings our personality under control, and now the form is captive to the soul.

8. The relationship between the soul and the form is ended by what is called “a final death ” of the personality or the complete release of the soul and Life aspects from the form in Pisces. The soul returns to its task of the world Savior. Pluto places a person under the destructive energy of death – the death of desires, the death of personality, and everything that keeps him between the pairs of opposites. Pluto never destroys the consciousness aspect. There is no death . There is just life eternal.

9. The Lords of Will and Sacrifice, like Buddha and Christ, come down into manifestation, sacrificing their high position and opportunities upon the higher plane of manifestation in order raise our lives to Their own status .

10. Christ has never left the Earth . All the world Saviors – past, present and those to come – are the manifested symbols and eternal guarantees of the final victory of the soul. The kingdom of Heaven on Earth already exists.

11. Transference to the Fixed Cross begins and ends in Pisces.

12 . The rulers of this sign are Jupiter (exoteric) and Pluto (esoteric and hierarchical). Venus rises in this sign – transforming intellect into intuition, and balancing the heart and the mind leading development of Wisdom. Mercury (mind) falls in this sign. After the initiation in Capricorn, mind lessens in its significance as a mediator between the soul and the form, and our information comes directly from intuition, rather than through the interpretation of the lower mind.

13. The bond (connecting the two Fishes) is in the process of dissolution, as part of Pluto's work is in “severing the thread, connecting together the two opposing lives .” Venus's task is to: “Reunite the separated lives, but not with a bonding thread.”

14. The rulers of the decanates of the sign are Jupiter, the Moon and Mars.

15. Pisces governs feet , and therefore progress, goal, and walking the path of return.


Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!