Taurus Info

Taurus - Transmutation of desire into intention. Enlightenment .
4.18 - 4.20 ( 6:26 am ) - 4.22

Taurus - Transmutation of desire into intention. Enlightenment .
5.17 - 5.19 ( 10:12 pm ) - 5.21


The exact full moon time is 6:26 am April 20, Sunday, New York time . Please meditate at least 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation time starts on April 18 and ends on April 22 .

This time is called Wesak in the East, or festival of Buddha.

The key note of Taurus (the Bull) is “ I see and when the eye is opened – all is light.” This is the higher note of the sign. Taurus is on a Fixed Cross of Heavens. Taurus is an Earth sign. Rays 1 of Will Power and Ray 5 of Science pour in through this sign.

Note: there are two full moon periods in Taurus this year – a unique event! During the first full moon in Taurus the Energy of the Beginning of Aries joins the Energy of Enlightenment in Taurus. During the second full moon in Taurus the Energy of Enlightenment joins the Energy of the Right Human Relationships in Gemini .


Key meditation themes :

1. Taurus charges us with the energy of will. For the whole year. For humanity it brings the will to be, the human will. For the disciples it also bring the will-to-good.

2. Buddha comes to Earth once a year around the exact time of the full moon in Taurus, bringing the energy of will and enlightenment. We should keep this energy in full concentration till June full moon – the full moon in Gemini, the festival of Christ, the festival of Good will.

3. The energy of goal in Aries becomes the energy of will in Taurus. In Gemini it blends with the intuition and the energy of the right human relationships. The goal becomes the plan.

4. Taurus is the ability to see . We as personalities are not filled by light. The main thing Taurus does is to transmute desire into intention. We have to work on our matter. Desire is not enough for us as disciples. We have to channel light into it. Desire is the atmosphere of the absence of light. For example – the desire to revenge, to be the first one, to be nasty, to have or not to have. We have to learn to lessen our grip on things. The first approach to this transformation is done using the energy of Venus – that transforms intellect into intuition, thus connecting the pairs of opposites with the non-binding connection. On the second level we use the energy of Vulcan to hammer on our ability to realize things from top to bottom, strengthening the ability of consciousness. Vulcan rules the processes of time that are like an anvil. It deals the blow that casts the metal into what is desired. And it is especially true today.



Excerpts from Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey:


1. Taurus is the Piercing Light on the Path . It is the beam of light, poured forth onto the points in Aries and showing the sphere of influence of light .

Egotistic desire Enlightened Life Aspiration

The Light of Earth The Light of Love The Light of Life

2. The lower key note of the sign is – Taurus is rushing about till Sagittarius directs it . In Taurus desire is transmuted into aspiration , darkness gives place to light and inspiration. The eye of the Bull is opened, which is the third spiritual eye, or the “only eye” of the New Testament.

3. Taurus – unties the lower desires preceding the turn of the Great Wheel in search of personal satisfaction. The prodigal son leaves for far away countries. Mutable Cross.

4. Taurus – is the desire to overcome desire . Thirst, strong pursuit to achieve liberation . Transmutation of desire into love . Fixed Cross .

5. Taurus – is the guardian of the secret of light, which brings an initiate a gift of enlightenment . In Taurus – Buddha achieves victory over desire and arrives at illumination. The “eye of the Bull” is the eye of revelation.

6. Taurus rules desire and transfers the tests onto the emotional plane. It raises desire-sensitivity from the world of the form into the world of fine perception, which we call the plane of intuition .

7. As the age of Aquarius enters into manifestation on our planet, humanity – the world's disciple, begins to come under the influence of Taurus .

8. Taurus forges the instruments of either useful life or destruction. It hammers the chains that bind, or creates the key, unlocking the secret of life. This process of forging with the noise that accompanies it goes on in our time in the most obvious way.

9. This sign – is an earth sign . The carrying out of the Plan or the fulfillment of desire must take place at the outward plane of life. The will or desire must express themselves at the physical plane , be it the surroundings of an individual, a nation, or a group of nations.

10. The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign, owing fundamentally to the relations of the Pleiades to the constellation, the Great Bear, and to our solar system.

11. Taurus brings inner urges onto the outer plane of life. Thus it brings out DESIRE in the masses of men, and WILL to good or purposefulness in a disciple or initiate. This shows as stubbornness in an ordinary man, or as intelligent will motivated by love in an advanced man.

There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force, the establishing of a peculiar relation between the constellation Taurus, the planet Pluto, and our Earth. This Shamballa force intensifies the light by removal of the obstructions. It proceeds from far distant places, pouring onto the sorrowful planet, the Earth, impelling the Bull upon its onward rush .

12. Taurus rules the neck and the thyroid gland .

13. The rulers of the sign are Venus (exoteric) and Vulcan (esoteric and hierarchical)

14. The rulers of decanates are Venus, Mercury and Saturn.


Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!