Virgo Info

Virgo - Creating a form which has a seed of sense. The mother and the child.

8.26 - 8.28 ( 6 :35am ) - 8.30


The exact VIRGO sign time is 2:43 pm September 7, Thursday, New York time . Please meditate at least 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the exact time. The 5 day meditation period starts on August 26 and ends on August 30 (Sunday through Thursday).

The key note of Virgo is “ I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am .” Virgo is on the Mutable Cross of Heavens. Its polar opposite on the Cross is Pisces. Virgo is an Earth sign. Rays 2,4,6 and 1 pour forth to Earth through this sign.

Note : Please don't miss this meditation!

Ponder on this :

Virgo is one of the most significant signs for humanity today.

Think about your situations that need more meaning/sense in them and add some sense.

Virgo helps to determine priorities in our many plans and actions.

Virgo helps us to do things from our soul.



Excerpts from Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey

“VIRGO” (pp.251-285):


  1. Virgo symbolizes the whole goal of our evolutionary process which is to protect, nourish and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality . This necessitates persistence, endurance and continuity of effort .
  2. The keynote of Virgo that best symbolizes its meaning is: “ Christ in you the hope of glory .”
  3. In Virgo the purpose for which our form life exists begins to be realized by a person. His desire to satisfy his personal needs decreases. The indwelling Christ in him begins to assume increasing control. Eventually inner spirituality is released from the slavery of the matter, and starts to reveal its real nature to the world .
  4. Christ displayed his Virgo aspect at 12 years of age, when he said: “ I need to take care of My Father's business ” – meaning the subordination of the form life to the will of the indwelling Christ. The culmination of this process was his baptism, when “Divinity descended onto him.”
  5. Virgo brings the liberating light to physical plan. It works with the matter of our physical, astral and mental bodies. (Via the 3 rd Creative Hierarchy). Virgo stimulates the “dead lives” that make up the Matter into activity and usefulness of Christ life, which is its stimulating agent .
  6. It symbolizes depth, darkness, silence and warmth. It is a deep valley of experience , in which God's plan (the mystery and secret of ages) slowly matures and is brought to light. Virgo is the womb of time . It is a place of gentle, slow yet powerful crises and periodic developments that happen in the dark and yet lead to light . God's plan matures, and through pain and discomfort, struggle and conflict – is brought into manifestation at the end of appointed time .
  7. In Virgo one can see a blended dual light . Two lights are seen – a bright and strong one of the matter, and the small and dull one – of the Christ Life . This dual light is distinguished from that of Gemini by the growing of one and decreasing of another light.
  8. The central idea of occultism is that every atom has in it a germ of that which responds to spiritual energy. In Leo we build a perfect vehicle that can display the germ of the soul in Virgo. Up to this stage Christ life is latent and unexpressed in Matter.
  9. The germ of the soul is developed by Virgo with the help of Jupiter , which is the 2 nd ray agent of the Christ sprit.
  10. The Father, the Son, and the Mother are one – and this mystery is revealed when the energies pouring into Virgo from Gemini via the planet Mercury have done their destined work.
  11. The rulers of Virgo are Mercury via Sun (exoteric) – an intermediary between Spirit and Matter, and Moon via Vulcan (esoteric) – as it is the will of God to manifest through form, and Jupiter – as the agent of the Christ spirit (hierarchical).
  12. The rulers of the three Virgo decanates are Mercury, Saturn and Venus .
  13. Mercury develops mind. Saturn offers the opportunity to suffer and through this suffering to learn to choose rightly, Venus teaches affection that later on leads to brotherly love.
  14. Tibetian teacher asks us to meditate upon the integrity and solidarity of the human family. We are one people - one in our relationships, and capacities and desires, our origin and goals. It is this essential and recognizable integrity, which is emerging at this time powerfully in the human consciousness. You are apt to think that this may not be so, that your position in believing this is somewhat unique and that you stand somewhat alone. But this is your error and is not true to the facts of the case. In every land and among widely differing peoples, the same desire exists for understanding, for the establishing of right and peaceful relations, and for the expression that basic goodwill which is one of the deepest human characteristics and our divine inheritance .¦ ( The Externalisation of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey, pp. 80-81)



Meditation Outline

The Great Invocation



!Please meditate during this five day meditation period and especially at the exact Full Moon time as much energy comes to the Earth during this period, which is not there during the rest of the month!