Netscape e-Mail
Yahoo Mail - Eficient with lots of features, few user names left, 4GB diskspace, some junk email, (good)
HotMail - Accepts lots of spam and junk mail, porno spam, only 2MB of space, will delete messages monthly without warning, few usernames available. (loosing popularity)
Funblaze Mail - good appearance , eficient, no SPAM, lots of names still availablle, free, 3 times more diskspace than Hotmail. (good) Screenshot
Postagemail - Rated and recommeded 10:1 over hotmail. Lots of features, free, chat rooms, NO SPAM, 5MB of space lots of names available. preview (good) Screenshot
Lycos Mail (Eudora)
Juno Mail - Ineficient, poor connection, a lot of advertisement, charge for tech support and forgotten passwords. (not good)
AOL Mail - Bad for receiving attachments, many porno SPAM and junk mail from unknown users, features can only be seen on other AOL users.$21.95/month (not worthy)