" I choose the way that leads
between the two great lines of force. "
Balance is not separate half and half
Libra, Thoughts Sharing
September 21, 2010
(Draft in progress)

"I have no barriers and no preferences, no choices and no separating walls. Upon the Path I walk and all to me are one."
Libra, the Balance, is a triad not a polarization of two forces. People look at the scales, but little to what holds them. Precisely what holds them is the energy of harmony, the central core of Libra. Between the forces of glamour and the ones of the Soul, what truely leads the balance is spirituality, Shamballa and the Hierarchy.
The center that holds the scales is the one that leads. If it inclinates to one side or the other the equilibrium is broken. The center must be absolutely straight and vertical. There is no choice. The choice is for each one of us to select a crooked center or the one and only straight and vertical that leads to true harmony and equilibrium.
The energy that balances the two scales contains Love and peace. It cannot exist peace without balance. What creates a conflict is the weight merely on one side. Maintaining the balance reaches poise, a rest, a point of peace.
The United Nations is that force that balances the pulling of the powerful on one scale and the pulling of the weak on the other.
And only Love can unify opposite forces. Love being an energy that holds the scales.

Balance is not to keep 50 and 50, but to merge, to unite, to make one. The weights, on one side of the scale could symbolize the soul, with which we measure all matter. When the Soul and the matter are equal they are in the Libra equilibrium. In reality we would have one pound of weights on one side and one pound of matter on the other; the scale would be holding two pounds not one. but what they have in common is being a pound. That is what unite them as one in the result. The center had made a perfect bridge to the point that both sides share the same value. It is a s if they being different yet they are the same, the same value of the measure.
The center of the balance cannot be a passing swinguing between one side and the other, but instead the lead as the keynote clearly states: " ... that leads".
In American politics we have an example. The center that swings to the right is not a center but an inclination, which as such has lost any power to lead. That was the case of Ross Perot. And the center that swings to the left is not a center either. That is the case of Ralph Nader.
To lead you have to have both right and left. You have to find what is common and best in both of them and only that way you can lead.
So, Libra is not the weakness of swinging from one side to the other, but instead is the center that leads. That brings forward what is common between the weights and the matter: The unity in one result, which is what the balance accomplishes, the value of the measure.

Our homework is to accomplish unity, oneness, one humanity, one universe, one Soul.
At this point a though on choices is pertinent.
Everything we daily do is a result of a choice. What Alice Bailey stresses is the importance of the intelligence, responsibility and commitment in the decisions we make, based on the choices we have.
Many decisions we make are irresponsible and lack intelligence and commitment and we break them; therefore they are abandoned or never accomplished, pretty much like the New Year's resolutions.
In the matters of discipleship and the Soul that kind of weak behavior is not proper. Choosing is a very serious decision of inevitable consequences.
The importance of intelligence, responsibility and commitment in this level of decisions cannot be confused with personal traits neither with change. Personal decisions respond in general to personality choices and glamour choices. The sex symbol from a movie becomes the male or female models to find. A character becomes a toy or a theme for t-shirts and merchandize. A Calvin Klein blue jean could be a false feeling of individuality when it is produced by millions and distributed all around the world.
Choices are reduced to tools of decisions of a pop life and a routinely marketing to which we adhere.
On the other hand, it is here where the different choices give the impression of changes and put changes as necessary. A good winter garment could be sufficient for several winters, but we are forced to change it every single winter, for reasons of marketing and consumism.
The choices in our discipleship are of not that kind. Choosing an initiation since the moment that we decide to prepare for it is not of a fashion with marketing fluctuations. On the contrary, it has predetermined steps and follows ups that require intelligence, responsibility and commitment.
The commitment with an initiation is not the same as with a Calvin Klein jean. Choices become narrow proportionally to our knowledge and these tools of decision become steps to reach higher levels of consciousness, in which the results of our work, service and learning become more important than the decisions themselves, which are simply the implementation of tools like choices.
The most we prepare ourselves the less we need of a choice. The preparation for the conciousnees of our soul coming from a choice and a further decision becomes a responsible commitment and the intelligent action of our lives.
The service and the consciousness are the result of serious decisions to which we committed with intelligence. Consciousness is not anymore a choice, but a foundation of our preparation, service and learning.
Therefore, "I choose ..." in Libra keywords have the highest meaning of responsibility and commitment.

In conclusive practical terms, economical disparity, social injustice, unfairness are not what it's balanced, but instead eliminated with the equilibrium, the measure, the rule and the wisdom of unity and oneness.
Libra is the battle for that beautiful equilibrium over evil and negativity. That union, that blending, that oneness which is obtained by the power of our Soul.
Love, Peace, Balance and Wisdom, to all of you.
