MEDITATION - Taurus "I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined."  
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  MEDITATION Astrological Chart Taurus 2010  


A Word from Sharon Rosez:



The energies of the Taurus Full Moon fall into the UN’s house of self identity.  And who is the UN?  We, the peoples, are the UN.  An identity. 
The planetary rulers of Taurus are aligned in the effort, with Venus, in the sky, in good aspect to the UN’s natal Venus, suggesting the science of the soul be brought to the table while addressing the value of relationships in our communities around the world and in our day to day world.  We, the peoples, in our communities and in our day to day relationships, are the UN.  Venus helps us reach that identity. 
Vulcan also rules Taurus, on both a soul and spiritual level, and is positioned at the same degree as the Sun at the time of the Full Moon.  With Vulcan, we forge ahead. 
The Tibetan tells us that we must see what must be loved before the power of the will is sufficiently evoked.  “Then the vision can become a manifestation and a fact in expression.”




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